STUDIO TECNICO ROMIZI Established in 1946 Online since 1995 Design and renovations based in Panicale, Umbria, Italy

The Studio Romizi is a family business, founded in 1946 by Dr. Fernando Romizi, specialized in the design and renovation of historic villas and farmhouses, in Umbria on the border with Tuscany, with more than 30 years of specific experience with clients from all over the world.

The Studio, located in the Municipality of Panicale, Perugia, is made up of an Architect, Engineer, Surveyor and Lawyer.
Rely on out history and expertise, we will help you search, purchase and renovate your home in Umbria.

What we do

Architectural and engineering design

We have decades of experience in the field of renovations, combined with a deep knowledge of traditional materials, construction types and rural landscapes. We know the local market perfectly and thanks to our trusted construction companies we can always provide quality work with transparent and economically interesting estimates.

Assistance in real estate

We have also been working in the real estate market for many years: from ancient buildings to be restored to villas and farmhouses ready to be inhabited. We guarantee our customers our in-depth knowledge of all the procedures and issues associated with the purchase and sale of properties in Umbria and on the border with Tuscany.

Technical and legal assistance

Our Studio can help you starting from the choice of the property you are interested in until the end of the renovation works. We know the Italian bureaucracy well and the difficulties it can create in the construction field, so we can offer solutions to all your questions and problems regarding the sale, renovation, management of your property and, last but not least, legal issues. Contact us and rely on our experience in the field.

Our services

Design and construction management:

  • Architectural design
  • Structural Design
  • Design of electrical and heating / cooling systems
  • Assistance in the creation of utilities (electricity, gas, telephone, renewable energy)
  • Search for qualified and reliable contractors and subcontractors
  • Analyze and compare proposals from one or more building contractors
  • Supervision of the works. We send images to customers showing the progress of the work after each visit to the site
  • Accounting of works
  • Obtaining approvals and signatures from the relevant construction authorities
  • Obtaining the certificate of viability
  • Checks in “Due Diligence”
  • Advice on how to obtain State incentives (ex: super bonus, eco bonus)

Assistance to the sale:

  • Assistance in finding a property to buy
  • Evaluation of the market value of the asset that is for sale
  • Check the absence of constraints on the property
  • Check for any past building violations
  • Control of the state of the property at the land registry and other authorities
  • Inspection of the building condition of the property
  • Assistance in negotiating the sale price and payments
  • Indicative estimate of the cost of restoration and renovation
  • Preparation of the preliminary purchase / renovation proposal
  • Assistance in choosing a Notary and Accountant
  • Assistance in the event of a request for bank loans
  • Check the best way to make the purchase (either as an individual or as a company, in this case we provide advice for the establishment of the same)
  • Legal representation, in the event that the client needs an intermediary to take his place
  • Legal assistance when needed